Spesso scelgo la seconda fragranza con cui giocare per portare alle vostre narici qualcosa di insolito. Anche stavolta il profumiere è Sophia Grojsman ma siamo in casa Malle e si tratta di una fragranza d'ambiente.
Russian Nights, notti russe nasce come candela profumata ma riscuote subito successo e viene declinata in spray e incensi. La struttura semplice delle profumazioni d'ambiente sembra congeniale al Grojsman-style che qui gioca sul contrasto drammatico fra il gelo ieratico del cashmeran (grigio, musica d'organo, canto gregoriano, Re Magi, Il nome della rosa, Aspettando Godot) ed il calore quasi medicinale di un mix di cannella, chiodo di garofano e noce moscata (biscotti, sciarpa, erboristeria, marrone, rosso). Il fondo è morbido, suadente (pantera, volpe, jazz club) e diffusivo di muschi, legni ambrati e note irisate con la tenacia e la diffusività strepitose che contraddistinguono anche Paris e le sue altre creazioni.
Visualizzazione post con etichetta Russian Nights. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta Russian Nights. Mostra tutti i post
10 febbraio 2015
Blind Sniff Roulette #2: Frédéric Malle Русские Ночи
I often choose the second fragrance to play with with the purpose of bringing to your nostrins something unusual. We are again in front of a creation by perfumer Sophia Grojsman but we're at Malle's house and this is a home fragrance.
Russian Nights, was created as a scented candle but given its success it was also made as a room spray and incense. The simple structure of home scents seems perfect for the Grojsman-style playing here with the dramatic contrast between the hieratic cold cashmeran (steel grey, organ music, gregorian chant, the Three Kings, The name of the rose, Waiting for Godot) and the almost medicinal warmth of a cinnamon, clove and nutmeg mix (bisquits, scarf, apothecary, brown, red). The base is soft, winning (panther, fox, jazz club) and diffusive and longlasting with musks, ambery woods and iris notes also featured in Paris and other creations.
Russian Nights, was created as a scented candle but given its success it was also made as a room spray and incense. The simple structure of home scents seems perfect for the Grojsman-style playing here with the dramatic contrast between the hieratic cold cashmeran (steel grey, organ music, gregorian chant, the Three Kings, The name of the rose, Waiting for Godot) and the almost medicinal warmth of a cinnamon, clove and nutmeg mix (bisquits, scarf, apothecary, brown, red). The base is soft, winning (panther, fox, jazz club) and diffusive and longlasting with musks, ambery woods and iris notes also featured in Paris and other creations.
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