Vi ricordo le domande della roulette a cui dovrete rispondere dando anche una motivazione legata al profumo, alle suggestioni che vi ispira, alle note, etc:
- se fosse un colore?
- se fosse un animale?
- se fosse musica?
- se fosse un luogo?
- se fosse un capo d'abbigliamento?
- se fosse un film/libro?
- se fosse un personaggio (storico, pubblico,...)?
Lo scopo del gioco non è ovviamente quello di indovinare di che fragranze si tratta ma capire attraverso paralleli olfattivi quali sensazioni trasmette, cosa racconta e qual'è il linguaggio compositivo che il suo autore ha usato magari riconoscendo la famiglia olfattiva o alcune note.
Buon divertimento!
Hoping it'll be a sparkling year with lots of news, let me start the 2012 right with an ongoing post. Right after receiving everybody's address and packing the mystery vials, I got them into the hands of Santa's helpers elves that will fly these days across the europe to deliver them soon. So you'll have time to enjoy the fragrances and send me the replies to the questions starting from #1 within hanf of January so I will be able to post them. Then you'll have a week for each one of the other vials.
Let me remind you the questions of the roulette you have to answer giving also an explanation based on the scent, the suggestions it gives you, the notes etc:
- if it would be a colour?
- if it would be an animal?
- if it would be music?
- if it would be a place?
- if it would be a cloth?
- if it would be a movie/book?
- if it would be a personality (storical, pubblic,...)?
The goal of the game obviously is not to guess the names of the fragrances but to understand through olfactory parallelisms the sensations it gives, what it wants to speak about, which composing language its creator used maybe recognizing the olfactory family or some notes.
Have fun!
5 commenti:
Yessssssssss....appena ricevuto le fialette.....non vedo l'ora di iniziare....Sono pronto ^_^
Non vedo l'ora di leggervi ragazzi!!!
I will be looking forward to receiving the samples...
I look forward to knowing whether you all received your envelope. There are still two missing, than we can start the game! Can't wait folks! :)
I can't wait to read everybody's impressions. I really like that idea.
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